Battersea Power Station


Opening of Battersea Power Station (past/present/future)

Battersea Power Station London

Bearded Kitten

Project Producer
Corrie Thom

Show Conception & Direction
Abigail Yeates

Aerial and Dance Direction
Abigail Yeates + Gavin Marshall + Lee Claydon + Lizzie Gough

Aerial Performance Production Director
Nick Terstenjak

An evening performance celebrating the reopening of Battersea Power Station. Celebrating the Past Powering London, the present Popular Culture and to the future Community. Attended by the King and Queen of Malaysia.

The performance took place Turbine Hall A, a deep fake effect of architect Giles Gilbert Scott, choreographed aerial, and dance performance of the workers of Battersea.

Followed by a representation of popular culture such as superman, batman, and the Beatles.

Voices from The Battersea Power Station Community Choir singing a Malaysian Wau Bulan song, underpinning these voices are the Beat Box collective. Battersea is no longer a Power Station instead power has been transferred to the people and its community.